Rev. David & Lora Hathcock
Allen Street Baptist Church

Rev. David & Lora Hathcock

David and Lora have been married for 33 years and have 3 children. The Hathcock's have grown up in the Henry County area and have been attending Allen Street for 29 plus years. Since attending Allen Street they have served in dozens of different capacities. For more than 20 years Lora has been working in the youth ministry. Eleven years ago, David felt a call of God on his life to full time ministry and was ordained into the Gospel Ministry in July of 2005.


David has completed certification and received his diploma through the North American Mission Board as a Certified Apologetics Instructor.

David is employed full-time at Aviation Fabricators as a FAA certified aviation welder. God recently made it possible for Lora to dedicate her time to her family. Another testimony of Financial Peace University.  Lora is the Custodian at church.  

Lora and David have 3 children. Ashlee, Anthony and Kendal.  Ashlee lives in Rockford Illinois with her husband, Rob.   

Anthony is employed at Black and Veach as a draftsman/designer.  He and his wife Mindy live in KC. with David and Lora's grandsons, Joel, Jace, and Jakob.   Anthony is a survivor of  non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Anthony and David (known as David and Goliath in town) recently participated in the LLS Bike TNT 100 mile Bike Ride at Lake Tahoe.  .


Kendal is a graduate of the University of Central Missouri.  He received his degrees in Elementary Education, Math Education.  He is now a teacher with the Clinton School District., Teaching 3rd grade   He and Linnae were recently married and together have enjoyed fixing up their first home.

Lora and David enjoy hiking and riding and are planning on riding the Katy Trail from end to end and on hiking some (David says all) of the Appalachian Trail.